Like other pets, it's important to take your rabbit to the vet regularly so your vet can make sure your furry friend is healthy and treat any health problems before they become more serious. Today, our Westfield vets explain how often you should take your bunny to the vet and what you can expect at these appointments.
Taking Your Rabbit To The Vet
It's important to take your rabbit to the vet for veterinary care when you first adopt them, so your veterinarian can examine your bunny to make sure they are healthy and don't have any underlying medical conditions. At this initial appointment, your vet will also tell you what your rabbit's care requirements are, including feeding and how often you should take them to the vet. This also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about caring for your furry companion. If your vet determines that your bunny is healthy you shouldn't have to bring them back until their next annual wellness exam.
You should also take your rabbit to the vet immediately if you notice them exhibiting any worrying signs, behaviors, or symptoms such as the following:
- Diarrhea
- Lack of appetite
- Vomiting
- Limping
- Sneezing
- Lethargy
- They stop pooping
- They are holding their head upsidedown or sideways
By nature bunnies often hide any signs of pain or discomfort, so you should always be monitoring them for the symptoms listed above. If you do notice your pet exhibiting any worrying signs or behaviors contact your vet straight away.
How Often Should I Take My Rabbit To The Vet?
If your adult bunny is healthy you should bring them to the vet once a year for a routine wellness exam (vet checkup). If your bunny is very young (under a year old), in their senior years (5 years or older), or has an underlying condition your vet may recommend bringing them in for an appointment twice a year or more, depending on their overall health.
At your bunny's routine appointment, your veterinarian will conduct a complete physical examination to check for any early signs of illnesses, diseases, or, conditions. Your vet may also recommend additional diagnostic tests such as a fecal exam, X-rays, and blood tests to help make sure your rabbit is in optimal health.
These routine veterinary checkups are important because diseases and conditions are usually easier and more affordable to treat when they are caught in their earlier stages, instead of when they have become more advanced.
Will My Rabbit Need Any Vaccinations?
While vaccinations aren't always mandatory for rabbits, they are still prone to a range of serious viruses and diseases that can be prevented with vaccinations.
You are able to start bringing your bunny in for vaccinations when they are 5 weeks old, and after this, you can bring them back annually for their booster shots. Your veterinarian will be able to recommend the vaccinations they believe are best for your rabbit based on various factors such as your location and their level of risk.
Lots of rabbit owners also decide to have their animal companion spayed or neutered, especially if they have other pet bunnies in their homes. Your vet will most likely recommend having this procedure done when your bunny is at least 6 months old.
How Do I Prepare For My Bunny's Vet Appointment?
The most important thing you will need to bring to your veterinary appointment is your bunny, but you will need to take them to the office in a small carrier. To help make your rabbit more comfortable during transportation and at their appointment, you can also bring a favorite toy and some treats.
Your vet might also ask you to collect and bring a fresh sample of your rabbit's stool so they can conduct a fecal exam. Fecal exams are an important diagnostic test for detecting signs of illness and diseases such as intestinal parasites.
How Much Does a Vet Visit Cost For a Rabbit?
The cost of your bunny's veterinary visit will be determined by various factors including:
- Where you live
- The tests and services being provided
- Your rabbit's overall health
- The treatments your bunny needs
Don't hesitate to ask your vet in advance about the costs of your bunny's visit. If your rabbit requires any additional testing or treatments your vet will provide you with an estimate of the costs, to help you decide if you would like to move ahead with the procedures. However, unforeseen circumstances may arise that can impact the final costs.